Mar 24, 2023

Jodhpur Boom - Sonic or Explosion?

Talking about Jodhpur, we all think of beautiful townships, pretty castles, beautiful sunsets, calm lakes, and heritage ruins. Very few of us know about an unsolved mystery that took place in December 2012.

One fine morning a blast-like sound could be heard in the United Kingdom followed by a green light which left its trail till Texas! The same phenomenon was experienced by residents of Jodhpur on the 18th of  December 2012.

Some believed it was the beginning of the End of the World as predicted in Mayan Calendar while others thought of it as an Alien invasion. There were rumors around saying the sound was because of ammunition training or jet flying at a high speed or an airplane sound box explosion which were later dishonored by the Government of India.

So what was the actual reason behind the Boom? Is it connected to the Texas phenomenon by any chance? Did the UK experience the same thing or was it different? Are all these incidents connected somehow?

There are a lot of questions going around and no one knows the exact reason behind what happened in Jodhpur.

Looking at a brighter sight, it may have added one more site to explore for tourists!

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