May 5, 2023

UFO Base in India - The Kongka La Pass

Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas. It is in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh. It is on the border between India and China With an altitude of 5171 metres above sea level.
The Chinese held northeastern part is known as Aksai Chin and Indian South West is known as Ladakh.

This is the area where Indian and Chinese armies fought major war in 1962.

The area is one of the least accessed areas in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol this part of the border.

The Kongka La Pass UFO Base is a rumoured secret underground facility located in the region . According to the rumor, the base is operated jointly by the Chinese and Indian military, and is used for UFO research and to house recovered alien technology.
According to many tourists, Buddhist monks and the local people of Ladakh, the Indian Army and the Chinese Military maintain the line of control. But there is something much more serious happening in this area. Reports of frequent UFO sightings in the area have become commonplace among locals.

For people residing around that area seeing UFOs have become an unvarying thing. No Tourist has avouch on seeing anything like that but people do travel from around the world to experience the visibility of a UFO.

The story of the Kongka La Pass UFO Base has gained some traction in conspiracy theory circles, but there is no concrete evidence to support its existence. While it is true that the Kongka La Pass is a remote and heavily militarised area, it is also subject to intense surveillance and patrols by both the Indian and Chinese military.

In addition, there are many reasons to doubt the plausibility of the story. The idea of a joint operation of Chinese and Indian UFO research facility seems highly unlikely, given the long-standing border tensions and territorial disputes between the two countries.
Furthermore, claims about recovered alien technology are often unsupported by any verifiable evidence, and the idea of an advanced extraterrestrial civilisation secretly working with humans to develop technology strains credulity.

There are a lot of questions regarding this theory.
Is this a normal practise of Espionage to keep civilians at bay? what are the implications of a joint Indian-Chinese UFO research facility? How might this impact global geopolitics and the search for extraterrestrial life? Is any other country also involved? Do they work on the technology they got from UFO or is there anything deep rooted?

A lot of questions remain unanswered. No one knows if this is just a rumour or there is something more intense behind it.
Don't forget to share your thoughts!

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